Processor Core助记符操作12-Bit14-Bit16-Bit16-Bit+ADDLW(W) + k --> (W)--------C DC ZOV C DC ZN OV C DC ZADDWF(W) + (f) --> (dest)C DC ZC DC ZOV C DC ZN OV C DC ZADDWFC(W) + (f) + C --> (dest)----------------OV C DC ZN OV C DC ZANDLW(W) AND k --> (W)ZZZN ZANDWF(W) AND (f) --> (dest)ZZZN ZBCif C = 1, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBCF0 --> (f)NONENONENONENONEBNif N = 1, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBNCif C = 0, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBNNif N = 0, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBNOVif OV = 0, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBNZif Z = 0, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBRA(PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBSF1 --> (f)NONENONENONENONEBTFSCskip if (f) = 0NONENONENONENONEBTFSSskip if (f) = 1NONENONENONENONEBTG!(f) --> (f)----------------NONENONEBOVif OV = 1, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONEBZif Z = 1, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONECALLCall Subroutine (operation is device specific)NONENONENONENONECLRF0x00 --> (f)ZZNONEZCLRW0x00 --> (W)ZZ----------------CLRWDT0x00 --> WDTTO PDTO PDTO PDTO PDCOMF!(f) --> (dest)ZZZN ZCPFSEQ(f) - (W), skip if (f) = (W)----------------NONENONECPFSGT(f) - (W), skip if (f) > (W)----------------NONENONECPFSLT(f) - (W), skip if (f) < (W)----------------NONENONEDAWDecimal Adjust W----------------CCDECF(f) - 1 --> (dest)ZZOV C DC ZN OV C DC ZDECFSZ(f) - 1 --> (dest) skip if 0NONENONENONENONEDCFSNZ(f) - 1 --> (dest) skip if not 0----------------NONENONEGOTOUnconditional Branch (Operand is device specific)NONENONENONENONEINCF(f) + 1--> (dest)ZZOV C DC ZN OV C DC ZINCFSZ(f) + 1--> (dest) skip if 0NONENONENONENONEINFSNZ(f) + 1 --> (dest) skip if not 0----------------NONENONEIORLW(W) OR k --> (W)ZZZN ZIORWF(W) OR (f) --> (dest)ZZZN ZLFSRk --> FSRf------------------------NONELCALLLong Call Subroutine (operation is device specific)----------------NONE--------MOVF(f) (dest)ZZ--------N ZMOVFF(fs) --> (fd)------------------------NONEMOVFP(f) --> (p)----------------NONE--------MOVLBk --> (BSR<3:0>)----------------NONENONEMOVLRk --> (BSR<7:4>)----------------NONE--------MOVLWk --> (W)NONENONENONENONEMOVPF(p) --> (f)----------------Z--------MOVWF(W) --> (f)NONENONENONENONEMULLW(W) x k --> (PRODH:PRODL)----------------NONENONEMULWF(W) x (f) --> (PRODH:PRODL)----------------NONENONENEGW!(W) + 1 --> (f); !(W) + 1 --> s----------------OV C DC Z--------NEGF!(f) + 1 --> (f)------------------------N OV C DC ZNOPNo operationNONENONENONENONEOPTION(W) --> OPTIONNONENONE----------------POP(TOS) --> bit bucket------------------------NONEPUSH(PC+2) --> TOS------------------------NONERCALL(PC) + 2 --> TOS, (PC) + 2 + 2n --> (PC)------------------------NONERESETReset all registers and flags that are affected by a MCLR reset.------------------------AllRETFIEReturn from Interrupt (operation is device specific)--------NONEGLINTDGIE/GIEH PEIE/GIELRETLWk --> (W, ) TOS --> PCNONENONENONENONERETURNReturn from Subroutine (operation is device specific)--------NONENONENONERLCF/RLF(f) --> (d); (f<7>) --> C; C --> (d<0>)C (RLF)C (RLF)C (RLCF)N C Z (RRCF)RLNCF(f) --> (d); (f<7>) --> (d<0>);----------------NONEN ZRRCF/RRF(f) --> (d); (f<0>) --> C; C --> (d<7>)C (RRF)C (RRF)C (RRCF)N C Z (RRCF)RRNCF(f) --> (d); (f<0>) --> (d<7>);----------------NONEN ZSETF0xFF --> (f)----------------NONENONESLEEPEnter SLEEP ModeTO PD GPWUFTO PDTO PDTO PDSUBFWB(W) - (f) - !C --> (dest)------------------------N OV C DC ZSUBLWk - (W) --> (W)--------C DC ZOV C DC ZN OV C DC ZSUBWF(f) - (W) --> (dest)C DC ZC DC ZOV C DC ZN OV C DC ZSUBWFB(f) - (W) - !C --> (dest)----------------OV C DC ZN OV C DC ZSWAPF(f<3:0>) --> (dest<7:4>); (f<7:4>) --> (dest<3:0>)NONENONENONENONETABLRDTable Read (operation is device specific)----------------NONE--------TABLWTTable Write (operation is device specific)----------------NONE--------TBLRDTable Read (operation is device specific)------------------------NONETBLWTTable Write (operation is device specific)------------------------NONETLRDTable Latch Read (operation is device specific)----------------NONE--------TLWTTable Latch Read (operation is device specific)----------------NONE--------TRIS(W) --> TRIS Register fNONENONE----------------TSTFSZskip if (f) = 0----------------NONENONEXORLW(W) XOR k --> (W)ZZZN ZXORWF(W) XOR (f) --> (dest)ZZZN Z