winnie 发表于 2009-4-18 14:33:03


我用的是mplab ide 6.60+HT-PIC v8.01PL3 我编了个简单的time0定时中断程序,但是中断服务程序怎么无法进行编译,就是中断服务程序无法生成汇编代码。我用HT-PIC v8.01PL3 自带的timer0.c例子也不行。

#include <pic.h>

* Example code for using timer0 on a 17C756
* Just sets up a 1 second interrupt and increments a variable

* Calculate preload value for one second timer

#define PERIOD 1000000// period in uS - one second here
#define XTAL 4000000// crystal frequency - 4MHz
#define ICLK (XTAL/4) // crystal is divided by four
#define SCALE 16// prescale by 16 - check for overflow!


unsigned long seconds; // second count

/* service routine for timer 0 interrupt */

void interrupt
timer0_isr(void) @ 0x10
TMR0 += -PRELOAD; // re-load timer

// no need to clear T0IF - the hardware did it

// initialize timer 0;

T0STA = 0b01000;// prescale by 16
T0CS = 1;   // select internal clock
TMR0 = -PRELOAD; // preload timer
T0IE = 1;   // enable timer interrupt
GLINTD = 0;   // enable global interrupts

continue;// let interrupt do its job

winnie 发表于 2009-4-18 14:33:21

config ---〉select device 17c756

或 #include"pic177xx.h"
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