void lcd_UserInfoDispaly(void)
int i;
lcd_puts("ABCDEF"); //Display string in LCD*/
lcd_puts("ABCDEF TEST"); //Display char in LCD
lcd_puts("AAA-001"); //Display char in LCD
lcd_puts("Ver1.00"); //Display char in LCD
lcd_puts("Frequency:"); //Display string in LCD*/
lcd_puts("Volt:"); //Display string in LCD*/
lcd_puts("Hz"); //Display string in LCD*/
lcd_puts("V"); //Display string in LCD*/
lcd_puts("Design:ABCDEF/HI"); //Display string in LCD*/
* LCD interface example
* Uses routines from delay.c
* This code will interface to a standard LCD controller
* like the Hitachi HD44780. It uses it in 8 bit mode, with
* the hardware connected as follows (the standard 14 pin
* LCD connector is used):
* PORTB bits 0-7 are connected to the LCD data bits 0-7
* PORTC bit 0 is connected to the LCD RS input (register select)
* PORTC bit 2 is connected to the LCD EN bit (enable)
* To use these routines, set up the port I/O (TRISB, TRISC) then
* call lcd_init(), then other routines as required.
lcd_write(0x38); // 8 bit mode, 1/16 duty, 5x7 font
lcd_write(0x08); // display off
lcd_write(0x0F); // display on, blink curson on
lcd_write(0x06); // entry mode
* Delay functions
* See delay.h for details
* Make sure this code is compiled with full optimization!!!
* Delay functions for HI-TECH C on the PIC
* Functions available:
* DelayUs(x) Delay specified number of microseconds
* DelayMs(x) Delay specified number of milliseconds
* Note that there are range limits: x must not exceed 255 - for xtal
* frequencies > 12MHz the range for DelayUs is even smaller.
* To use DelayUs it is only necessary to include this file; to use
* DelayMs you must include delay.c in your project.
/* Set the crystal frequency in the CPP predefined symbols list in
HPDPIC, or on the PICC commmand line, e.g.
Note that this is the crystal frequency, the CPU clock is
divided by 4.
* MAKE SURE this code is compiled with full optimization!!!
#ifndef XTAL_FREQ
#define XTAL_FREQ 4MHZ /* Crystal frequency in MHz */
#define MHZ *1000L /* number of kHz in a MHz */
#define KHZ *1 /* number of kHz in a kHz */