The TC57 is a low dropout regulator controller that operates with an external PNP pass transistor, allowing the user to tailor the LDO characteristics to suit the application at hand. This results in lower dropout operation (and often lower cost) compared with traditional linear regulators with on-board pass transistors. The maximum output current of a TC57-based regulator circuit is limited only by the charac-teristics of the external pass transistor. For example, a maximum output current of 650 mA (with a dropout voltage of 100 mV) results when an FZT749 pass transistor is used, while a Darlington configuration can deliver up to 4A. Flexibility, and superior performance make this family of regulator controllers the ideal choice in applications where low dropout voltage and low installed cost are key.
Parameter Name Value
Max Input Voltage 8
Typical Active Current (µA) 50
Typical Dropout Voltage @ Max. lout (mV) 100
Typical Output Voltage Accuracy (%) 2.0
Output Current (mA) 4000
Low Dropout Voltage
100 mV @ 650 mA with FZT749 PNP Transistor
2.7V to 8V Supply Range
Low Operating Current: 50 µAOperating; 0.2 µA Shutdown
Low-True Chip Enable
High Output Accuracy (±2% typical)