PIC18系列CAN模块..是关于CAN控制寄存器CANCON中WIN2-WIN0位用法的一个问题.在技术手册上说:This selects which of the CAN buffers to switch into the access bank area. This allows access to the buffer registers from any data memory bank. After a frame has caused an interrupt,the ICODE3:ICODE0 bits can be copied to the WIN3:WIN0 bits to select the correct buffer. 我是这样理解This allows access to the buffer registers from any data memory bank这句话的.就是说,只要将接收缓冲寄存器0,1或发送缓冲寄存器0,1,2对应的号码放入WIN2-WIN0位,就可以在数据存储器的体0-15中的任何一个体不用体变换,而直接可以访问缓冲器相关的任何寄存器.
可是我在编程过程中发现,还是必须将体变换到15才能访问各个缓冲器相关的寄存器. |