* Project : memosound
* Author : Bruno Gavand
* Date : August, 2006
* Description : Sound & Light memorization game
* Target : PIC16F84A @ 8 MHz
* Flags : HS oscillator, no watchdog, no power up timer
* IDE : mikroC V6.0
* the player has to memorize and play back a melody :
* the PIC creates a new melody for each new game
* a melody is up to 63 steps
* each step is a tone corresponding to a color
* there are 4 tones (A, B, C, D) and then 4 LEDs (red, green , orange, yellow)
* start-up : the PIC plays a welcome melody and secretly creates the new melody
* the PIC plays the first step of the melody, and the player have to play it back
* if it is the good one, the PIC plays the melody from the beginnig with one more step
* the player have to repeat the same melody
* if the player fails, an error melody is played and the PIC plays the same melody again
* when all 63 steps of the melody are correctly played back by the player,
* the PIC plays a win melody and creates a new one.
* at any time, the player can press two buttons at a time to give up with the current melody
* and start with a new one.
* RA0...RA3 : LEDs
* RB0 : Piezzo buzzer
* RB4...RB7 : Buttons
* see more details on *
* macro definitions
#define NBFREQ 7 // size of frequency table
#define NBCYCLES(freq) (2000/f) // duration of a sound
#define EEPROM_SIZE 64 // size of P16F84A EEPROM : steps are stored in EEPROM
#define NBSTEPS (EEPROM_SIZE - 2) // maximum number of steps
#define ADDR_NBSTEPS (EEPROM_SIZE - 2) // address in EEPROM of the step counter
#define ADDR_SPEED (EEPROM_SIZE - 1) // address in EEPROM of the game speed
* frequency table : periods in thousands of ms
const unsigned char t_period[NBFREQ] =
} ;
unsigned char speed ; // game speed
* delays are made as function instead of macro
* to save ROM space
* 1 second delay
void delay1000ms()
Delay_ms(1000) ;
* 10 ms delay
void delay10ms()
Delay_ms(10) ;
* play one sound with LED
* s : index of the sound in frequency table
* d : duration of the sound in numbers of periods
* t : duration of silence after the sound (to be multiplied by 10 ms)
void playSound(unsigned char s, unsigned char d, unsigned char n, unsigned char t)
unsigned char c ;
c = t_period ;
PORTA = 1 << (s & 3) ; // light LED corresponding to the sound index
unsigned char cc ;
PORTB.F0 ^= 1 ;
for(cc = 0 ; cc < c ; cc++) Delay_us(1) ;
PORTA = 0 ; // turn LED off
PORTB.F0 = 0 ; // turn loudspeaker off
while(t--) delay10ms() ; // do the silence if needed
* play the error melody, all tones in descending order
void playError()
unsigned char i ;
for(i = 0 ; i < NBFREQ ; i++)
playSound(i, 50, 1, 0) ;
delay1000ms() ;
* play the welcome melody, all tones in ascending order
void playWelcome()
unsigned char i ;
for(i = NBFREQ ; i > 0 ; i--)
playSound(i - 1, 50, 1, 0) ;
* fill EEPROM with a new melody
void fillEEPROM()
unsigned char i ;
for(i = 0 ; i < NBSTEPS ; i++) // for all melody steps
EEPROM_Write(i, rand() % 4) ; // writes a random index from 0 to 3 in EEPROM location
EEPROM_Write(ADDR_NBSTEPS, 0) ; // reset the current step number
* increment melody step number
* return 0 if the player won
* return 1 otherwise
unsigned char nextStep()
unsigned char s ;
s = EEPROM_Read(ADDR_NBSTEPS) ; // read current step number from EEPROM
s++ ; // next one
if(s == NBSTEPS) // is it the maximum step number ?
return(0) ; // yes, player has won
delay10ms() ; // waits a little bit
INTCON.RBIE = 0 ; // disable portb interrupt
INTCON.RBIF = 0 ; // clear pending interrupt
EEPROM_Write(ADDR_NBSTEPS, s) ; // no, write new step
delay10ms() ; // waits a little bit
return(1) ; // not won yet
* play a step
* a : index in EEPROM of the step to play
void playEEPROM(unsigned char a)
unsigned char n ;
n = EEPROM_Read(a) ; // read frequency index from EEPROM
playSound(n, t_period[NBFREQ - 1 - n], speed, 10) ; // play corresponding sound
* most important routine,
* verify if player's entry matches melody stored in EEPROM
unsigned char verifEEPROM()
unsigned char i, s, v, b ;
s = EEPROM_Read(ADDR_NBSTEPS) ; // read current player's level
for(i = 0 ; i < s ; i++) // for each level
INTCON.RBIF = 0 ; // clear PORTB on change interrupt flag
INTCON.RBIE = 1 ; // enables PORTB on change interrupt
INTCON.GIE = 0 ; // do not call interrupt routine at wake up
asm { sleep } ; // go to sleep mode, and low power consomption
* when user press at least one key, the PIC wakes up
* and continues in sequence here
v = EEPROM_Read(i) ; // get next tone of the melody
while((PORTB & 0xf0) != 0xf0) // while a key is still pressed
b = PORTB & 0xf0 ; // get keys status
if(b == 0b01110000) b = 0 ; // decode keys, and get tone number
else if(b == 0b10110000) b = 1 ;
else if(b == 0b11010000) b = 2 ;
else if(b == 0b11100000) b = 3 ;
else if(b == 0b11000000) // is speed mode selected ?
delay1000ms() ; // debounce with delay
for(;;) // enter forever selection loop
for(b = 0 ; b < 4 ; b++) // for all LEDS
PORTA = 1 << (b & 3) ; // light LED
for(s = 0 ; s < 200 ; s++) // for a little while
if((PORTB & 0xf0) != 0xf0) // if a key is pressed
PORTA = 0 ; // clear LEDs
speed = b + 1 ; // compute speed
EEPROM_Write(ADDR_SPEED, speed) ; // store speed in EEPROM
delay1000ms() ; // wait a little bit
return(0) ; // resume melody
delay10ms() ;
else if(b == 0b00110000) // is melody reset selected ?
PORTA = 0xf ; // understood, light all LEDs
delay1000ms() ; // wait one second
PORTA = 0 ; // clear all LEDs
return(2) ; // code 2 to prevent error melody to be played
playSound(b, t_period[NBFREQ - 1 - b], 1, 0) ; // play the sound corresponding to the key pressed by the player
delay10ms() ; // debounce keys
rand() ; // usefull to get more unpredictable melodies
if(b != v) // did the player gave the wrong tone ?
playError() ; // yes, play error melody
return(0) ; // code 2 for player's memory failure about this tone
return(1) ; // code 1 for correct player's memory for this tone
* play all melody according to player's level
void playMusic()
unsigned char i, s ;
s = EEPROM_Read(ADDR_NBSTEPS) ; // get player's level
for(i = 0 ; i < s ; i++) // for each level
playEEPROM(i) ; // play the tone of the melody
* program entry
void main()
unsigned char r ;
TRISA = 0 ; // PORTA is output
PORTA = 0 ; // clear output
TRISB = 0xf0 ; // high nibble is input for keys, low nibble is output
PORTB = 0 ; // clear output
OPTION_REG &= 0b01111111 ; // weak pull-up on PORTB
speed = EEPROM_Read(ADDR_SPEED) ; // get game speed
PlayWelcome() ; // play welcome melody
delay1000ms() ; // 1 second delay before game start
for(;;) // forerver
fillEEPROM() ; // fill EEPROM with new melody
while(nextStep()) // next step in melody
playMusic() ; // play melody to current step
while((r = verifEEPROM()) == 0) ; // until player repeat it correctly
if(r == 2) // player asked for new melody
break ;
delay1000ms() ; // 1 second delay before next step
if(r == 1) // player repeated all steps correctly
PlayWelcome() ; // play win melody
PlayWelcome() ;
PlayWelcome() ;
PlayWelcome() ;
delay1000ms() ; // 1 second delay befor new game