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dsPIC33FJ64GP202 Data Sheet

发表于 2009-7-28 12:13:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  dsPIC33FJ32GP302/304, dsPIC33FJ64GPX02/X04 and dsPIC33FJ128GPX02/X04 Data Sheet (5/22/2009)

Operating Range:
. Up to 40 MIPS operation (at 3.0-3.6V):
  - Industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C)
  - Extended temperature range (-40°C to +125°C)
High-Performance DSC CPU:
. Modified Harvard architecture
. C compiler optimized instruction set
. 16-bit wide data path
. 24-bit wide instructions
. Linear program memory addressing up to 4M instruction words
. Linear data memory addressing up to 64 Kbytes
. 83 base instructions: mostly 1 word/1 cycle
. Two 40-bit accumulators with rounding and saturation options
. Flexible and powerful addressing modes:
  - Indirect
  - Modulo
  - Bit-Reversed
. Software stack
. 16 x 16 fractional/integer multiply operations
. 32/16 and 16/16 divide operations
. Single-cycle multiply and accumulate:
  - Accumulator write back for DSP operations
  - Dual data fetch
. Up to ±16-bit shifts for up to 40-bit data
On-Chip Flash and SRAM:
. Flash program memory
. Data SRAM
. Boot, Secure, and General Security for program Flash
Direct Memory Access (DMA):
. 8-channel hardware DMA
. Up to 2 Kbytes dual ported DMA buffer area (DMA RAM) to store data transferred via DMA:
  - Allows data transfer between RAM and a peripheral while CPU is executing code (no cycle stealing)
. Most peripherals support DMA
. Timer/Counters, up to five 16-bit timers:
  - Can pair up to make two 32-bit timers
  - One timer runs as a Real-Time Clock with an external 32.768 kHz oscillator
  - Programmable prescaler
. Input Capture (up to four channels):
  - Capture on up, down or both edges
  - 16-bit capture input functions
  - 4-deep FIFO on each capture
. Output Compare (up to four channels):
  - Single or Dual 16-bit Compare mode
  - 16-bit Glitchless PWM mode
. Hardware Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC):
  - Provides clock, calendar, and alarm functions
Interrupt Controller:
. 5-cycle latency
. 118 interrupt vectors
. Up to 49 available interrupt sources
. Up to three external interrupts
. Seven programmable priority levels
. Five processor exceptions
Digital I/O:
. Peripheral pin Select functionality
. Up to 35 programmable digital I/O pins
. Wake-up/Interrupt-on-Change for up to 21 pins
. Output pins can drive from 3.0V to 3.6V
. Up to 5V output with open drain configuration
. All digital input pins are 5V tolerant
. 4 mA sink on all I/O pins
System Management:
. Flexible clock options:
  - External, crystal, resonator, internal RC
  - Fully integrated Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)
  - Extremely low jitter PLL
. Power-up Timer
. Oscillator Start-up Timer/Stabilizer
. Watchdog Timer with its own RC oscillator
. Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
. Reset by multiple sources
Power Management:
. On-chip 2.5V voltage regulator
. Switch between clock sources in real time
. Idle, Sleep, and Doze modes with fast wake-up
Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs):
. 10-bit, 1.1 Msps or 12-bit, 500 Ksps conversion:
  - Two and four simultaneous samples (10-bit ADC)
  - Up to 13 input channels with auto-scanning
  - Conversion start can be manual or synchronized with one of four trigger sources
  - Conversion possible in Sleep mode
  - ±2 LSb max integral nonlinearity
  - ±1 LSb max differential nonlinearity
Data Converter Interface (DCI) module:
. Codec interface
. Supports I2S and AC.97 protocols
. Up to 16-bit data words, up to 16 words per frame
. 4-word deep TX and RX buffers
Comparator Module:
. Two analog comparators with programmable input/output configuration
CMOS Flash Technology:
. Low-power, high-speed Flash technology
. Fully static design
. 3.3V (±10%) operating voltage
. Industrial and Extended temperature
. Low power consumption
Communication Modules:
. 4-wire SPI (up to two modules):
  - Framing supports I/O interface to simple codecs
  - Supports 8-bit and 16-bit data
  - Supports all serial clock formats and sampling modes
. I2C.:
  - Full Multi-Master Slave mode support
  - 7-bit and 10-bit addressing
  - Bus collision detection and arbitration
  - Integrated signal conditioning
  - Slave address masking
. UART (up to two modules):
  - Interrupt on address bit detect
  - Interrupt on UART error
  - Wake-up on Start bit from Sleep mode
  - 4-character TX and RX FIFO buffers
  - LIN bus support
  - IrDA® encoding and decoding in hardware
  - High-Speed Baud mode
  - Hardware Flow Control with CTS and RTS
. Parallel Master Slave Port (PMP/EPSP):
  - Supports 8-bit or 16-bit data
  - Supports 16 address lines
. Programmable Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC):
  - Programmable bit length for the CRC generator polynomial (up to 16-bit length)
  - 8-deep, 16-bit or 16-deep, 8-bit FIFO for data input

联系电话: 0755-88845951 82543411传真:0755-82543511
E-mail: enroo@enroo.com
网址: www.enroo.com (”o”为字母)
公司地址: 福田区深南中路嘉汇新城汇商中心1203-1205
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