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PIC16F689 Data sheet

发表于 2009-8-21 12:02:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  PIC16F631/677/685/687/689/690 20-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS MCUs (3/6/2008)

High-Performance RISC CPU:
• Only 35 Instructions to Learn:
- All single-cycle instructions except branches
• Operating Speed:
- DC – 20 MHz oscillator/clock input
- DC – 200 ns instruction cycle
• Interrupt Capability
• 8-Level Deep Hardware Stack
• Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes
Special Microcontroller Features:
• Precision Internal Oscillator:
- Factory calibrated to ± 1%
- Software selectable frequency range of
8 MHz to 32 kHz
- Software tunable
- Two-Speed Start-up mode
- Crystal fail detect for critical applications
- Clock mode switching during operation for
power savings
• Power-Saving Sleep mode
• Wide Operating Voltage Range (2.0V-5.5V)
• Industrial and Extended Temperature Range
• Power-on Reset (POR)
• Power-up Timer (PWRTE) and Oscillator Start-up
Timer (OST)
• Brown-out Reset (BOR) with Software Control
• Enhanced Low-Current Watchdog Timer (WDT)
with On-Chip Oscillator (Software selectable
nominal 268 Seconds with Full Prescaler) with
Software Enable
• Multiplexed Master Clear/Input Pin
• Programmable Code Protection
• High Endurance Flash/EEPROM Cell:
- 100,000 write Flash endurance
- 1,000,000 write EEPROM endurance
- Flash/Data EEPROM retention: > 40 years
• Enhanced USART Module:
- Supports RS-485, RS-232 and LIN 2.0
- Auto-Baud Detect
- Auto-wake-up on Start bit
Low-Power Features:
• Standby Current:
- 50 nA @ 2.0V, typical
• Operating Current:
-11 μA @ 32 kHz, 2.0V, typical
-220 μA @ 4 MHz, 2.0V, typical
• Watchdog Timer Current:
-<1 μA @ 2.0V, typical
Peripheral Features:
• 17 I/O Pins and 1 Input-Only Pin:
- High current source/sink for direct LED drive
- Interrupt-on-Change pin
- Individually programmable weak pull-ups
- Ultra Low-Power Wake-up (ULPWU)
• Analog Comparator Module with:
- Two analog comparators
- Programmable on-chip voltage reference
(CVREF) module (% of VDD)
- Comparator inputs and outputs externally
- SR Latch mode
- Timer 1 Gate Sync Latch
- Fixed 0.6V VREF
• A/D Converter:
- 10-bit resolution and 12 channels
• Timer0: 8-bit Timer/Counter with 8-bit
Programmable Prescaler
• Enhanced Timer1:
- 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler
- External Timer1 Gate (count enable)
- Option to use OSC1 and OSC2 in LP mode
as Timer1 oscillator if INTOSC mode
• Timer2: 8-bit Timer/Counter with 8-bit Period
Register, Prescaler and Postscaler
• Enhanced Capture, Compare, PWM+ Module:
- 16-bit Capture, max resolution 12.5 ns
- Compare, max resolution 200 ns
- 10-bit PWM with 1, 2 or 4 output channels,
programmable “dead time”, max frequency
20 kHz
- PWM output steering control
• Synchronous Serial Port (SSP):
- SPI mode (Master and Slave)
2C™ (Master/Slave modes):
2C™ address mask
• In-Circuit Serial ProgrammingTM (ICSPTM) via Two

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